A series of Farmer Discussion Events will take place in November and December - two in each of the seven case study areas across England and Wales – Taw (Devon), Conwy (North Wales), Upper Welland (East Midlands), Nafferton area (Northumberland), Wensum & Yare (Norfolk), Eden (Cumbria) and the Hampshire Avon.
These discussions will provide an opportunity for participants to understand the aim and objectives of SIP research and to feedback about some of the emerging findings. In exchange SIP researchers hope to understand how well the concept of SI is understood by the farming community and gain an appreciation of some of the challenges and opportunities in collaborating for SI.
The discussions will be facilitated by experienced staff at ADAS, LEAF, Bangor University, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and Newcastle University.
If you are a farmer in one of the case study areas and are interested in taking part, please contact Gavin Huggett, SIP 2 Project Manager (e-mail: g.huggett@exeter.ac.uk, tel: 01392 725042).