Please see our newsletter for project details and articles relating to SI.
You can view and download the SIP infographic here.
Please feel free to print out and distribute our SIP Information Sheet.
A series of science, policy and practice briefing notes have been produced by SIP and they can be accessed at the links below.
Note 1: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Intensification – An Introduction to SIP / Nodyn 1: Ymateb i’r Her Dwysáu Cynaliadwy Cyflwyniad i SIP
Note 2: Farmer and Adviser Attitudes to Integrated Farm Management / Nodyn 2: Agweddau Ffermwyr a Chynghorwyr tuag at Ddulliau Integredig o Reoli Ffermydd
Note 3: The Role of Cover Crops within Sustainable Soil Management / Nodyn 3: Rôl Cnydau Gorchudd mewn Rheoli Pridd yn Gynaliadwy
Note 4: Sustaining Trace Elements in Grazing Sheep / Nodyn 4: Cynnal Elfennau Hybrin mewn Defaid Pori
Note 5: Assessing the Performance of Commercial Farms / Nodyn 5: Asesu Perfformiad Ffermydd Masnachol
Note 6: Farmer Collaboration and Engagement / Nodyn 6: Cydweithredu ac Ymgysylltu ymysg Ffermwyr
Note 7: Dynamic Landscape Typology Tool for Sustainable Intensification / Nodyn 7: Offeryn Teipoleg Tirwedd Dynamig ar gyfer Dwysáu Cynaliadwy
Note 8: Benchmarking Sustainable Intensification / Nodyn 8: Meincnodi Dwysáu Cynaliadwy
SIP 1 and SIP 2 reports are available at the following links:
SIP 1: Integrated Farm Management for improved economic, environmental and social performance
SIP 2: Opportunities and risks for farming and the environment at landscape scales
Please contact or with any queries.